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Our new location is in Blue Ash Ohio. We moved our marketing agency from Cincinnati's Over the Rhine in December of 2019. If you would like to arrange a meeting, please call us at (513) 463-3429. In order to keep our employees healthy and safe, walk-ins are not currently welcome.

Get In Touch

Phone: (513) 463-3429
Address: 11223 Cornell Park Drive Suite 301, Blue Ash Ohio 45242

Our Location

Lohre Industrial Marketing Location
web accessibility illustration - a mascot wearing glasses looking at a website on a laptop computer

Why is Web Accessibility So Important to my Business?

Many companies have become concerned with website accessibility over recent years. Since 2018 the drive to make industrial websites and other B2B websites more accessible is even stronger than for past standards pushes such as the California Privacy Rights Act,…

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Illustration of industrial marketing sales chart as seen by AI in abstract blocks and lines

Google Shopping Sales Increase of 350 Percent Since March 2020

Explaining The Value in Google Shopping Ads In the last year and a half, for a majority of industrial businesses, online marketing has become the most-essential part of business to business marketing strategy. While social media has become the dominant…

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Illustration of Scott Hasson VP of Marketing for Lohre Industrial

Scott Hasson Rejoins Lohre & Associates as Vice President, Sales & Marketing

CINCINNATI, JULY 10, 2019 – Scott Hasson rejoins Lohre & Associates as vice president of sales and marketing July 1, 2019. Hasson brings his experiences from Corbus, LLC (Dayton) where he performed contract work with Procter & Gamble’s global digital…

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Industrial Marketing Management image - Industrial building with the words "Industrial Marketing Management" on signage

SMPS – CPSM Exam – Industrial Marketing Management

The last SMPS Markendium Domain puts it all together. Managing a Marketing Dept. or Agency Couldn't be Defined Better Four years ago I learned about Hubspot and went all in. I really enjoyed the specific internet marketing knowledge that it…

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