Be intentional about including the following tactics in your new year marketing strategy As 2025…
Free Stock Photography for Industrial Advertising Marketing
As much as we would always like to have the perfect photograph to accompany your industrial advertising, many times the budget, time and models aren’t available.
Here’s a list of several services that you can obtain rights free images for your industrial marketing advertising.
Let’s pretend we are looking for a photo of a crane cab or construction executives on a job site.
Death to the Stock Photo
“We’re Death to the Stock Photo. A photo & inspiration haven for creatives crushing their path. From their license, “Under the license, you may display a DTTSP photo as you please, reproduce it, add it to a collection, and make adaptations of it. However, you may not distribute the photo—so don’t include it in any photo packs or give it out for others to use. That’s how we are able to run our business :). Displaying and reproducing the photo on physical or digital products that you distribute is fine.” We signed up for the weekly pack and will see how it goes. We didn’t find any construction shots. This was a nice image.
“All photos published on Unsplash are licensed under Creative Commons Zero which means you can copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free, including commercial purposes, without asking permission from or providing attribution to the photographer or Unsplash.” Here are a few interesting shots. Click on the image to go to the download page.
“To the extent possible under law, HubSpot has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Free Stock Photos. This work is published from: United States.” Go to the bottom of the page and click on tags. It will bring up the page with all the categories. This was the only image that came up when I searched on “construction.”
“Legal Simplicity – All photos on Pexels are free for any personal and commercial purpose.” Here’s a crane shot we found. And another construction photo.
As you can see none of these free images were exactly what we were looking for. In that case we recommend iStock, “iStock by Getty Images is one of the world’s leading stock content marketplaces, offering millions of hand-picked premium images at ridiculously low prices that you can only get from us.” We purchased the following image for only $11. If you’re writing an online blog, you can get by with the smallest size image. They cost more the larger you get. The second image would be $33, we didn’t purchase that one. You can tell by the watermark.
Good luck with your searches and always be sure you follow the rules of use.