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Industrial Marketing Review 3-2015 Foundry Management & Technology Ads

Very good ad with four excellent testimonials. Good information but they didn’t have to go negative with “Competition relies on hype, bogus claims and negative scare tactics.”

Very good ad that matches the copy claims with the montage of images. If you recognized your facility, they have the equipment for you.

This is just a line card ad of the material list they supply. I wish they would have touched on at least one benefit for each product. They could have been tied to the montage of images, they illustrate the products’ usage.

A little disappointed with the waste of space in this two page spread. Forget the flags on the second page and tie some location and result to the seven images on page one.

Good information in the copy but wasted space by using just about the same view for a large and small image. Better to use one and make it a cut-away that pointed out some of the benefit features.

Liked everything about this ad except for the headline, “Efficient, Reliable and Advanced.” It would be better to tie a specific testimonial benefit to them like, 125% Efficient, 110% Uptime and 65% Energy Savings. The copy can back up the headline claims.

Typical show ad. There must be something visual they could use instead of an illustrated globe. Industrial times are much better so maybe they could tout the record breaking increase in technical presentations, exhibitors and attendees? To quote the Director, Friedrich-Georg Kehrer, “In contrast to many capital goods trade fairs at other locations, there is no sign of a decline of any kind at our four trade fairs. The four events hold an almost unrivalled position anywhere in the world. Düsseldorf is the only place where companies reach the entire global market and this is vital for their business operations.”

Everything is good about this ad except for the order and the headline. Quote some customer saying, “They Engineered a Solution and Built it Too.” Put that at the top, with a follow up subhead, the photos and at the end the logo and signature. Focus on the service and not the source.

One of the best ads but the headline is a real bummer. Maybe, “Four Ways to Ask Us to Set Your Equipment or Concept-To-Completion!”

Great ad, wish they had the budget to make it a full page. It wouldn’t look so crowded and hard to read if it was on a white field.

The secret to a good ad is to associate a common, memorable metaphor that reminds a reader about your unique sales proposition. I’m not sure about this metaphor. You have to create ads that the sales guys will like to use to get their point across. Passing out rubber gloves won’t get the kind of attention you’re looking for. Maybe get permission to use Norman Rockwell’s illustration of the family physician checking the little girl’s doll with the headline, “Checkups Even For Your Dreams.”

The Ask ads are always top notch. Just wish they could say something coming from that engineer’s mouth. Like, “Take a Close Look at How Much You Can Save With Our Solutions.”

Begs for a testimonial. What am I looking at? Please point out the features that deliver durability, reliability and production.

Good content but you can’t communicate anything if you don’t get their attention and the only way you can do that is to speak to the reader personally. I’d use one of their engineers to be in the ad and make a statement about customer service.

What does that illustration have to do with the lame headline anyway? Maybe it will come to me later but that’s not the point in an ad. I’d use a 3D illustration of their equipment and focus on one industry’s material running through it. Oh, now I get it. It’s a rave, the machine jumped onto the floor and is body surfing the crowd.

Great copy. Please, just let an intern be the spokesperson, “At XYZ Company I learned to ask for advice and then think for myself.” Isn’t that the type of employee you’re looking for?

No need to duplicate the company name in the headline and signature. The packaging and metals tell the story, maybe put them together, if that will help catch a eye.

Great ad. “The brain takes just 33 milliseconds-three hundredths of a second, or a tenth of a time it takes to blink-to decide whether someone is to be trusted,” could be worked into the message and be more powerful.

I’m dying to see a stop action illustration of this but the device is pretty self evident. Great ad but I can’t read the company’s name.

Good quarter page ad. Don’t change a thing.

There must be something more interesting those engineers said than that. From their site, “dedicated teams strategically positioned across the globe.” So, “Our Technical Staff in Guangdong Can Visit Your Plant Tomorrow.”
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