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Mining Equipment Marketing: Chemical Processor Screens Potassium Oxide Crystals 4-1/2 Years With Same Unit and Same Screens
Don’t hide your great application stories under a bushel basket! Let their light shine for the whole world to see.
Today that means publishing in a form that is easily searchable on the world wide web as well as being published in the trade journals. The technical magazines and conferences for your industry are the best place to distribute application education. Of course, you already have your own great publicity department and offer regular application training for your customers and prospects. Here’s an example from SWECO that was published in their LinkedIn Group: Screeners, Sifters and Separators.
A California chemical company’s raw brine is taken from a two-square-mile field owned by oil companies. After breaking the oil out, the brine is injected with ferric chloride and air, delivered to a spreader to clear remaining oil (8 ppm). The purified brine is pumped to treating tanks at the rate of 3000 gallons per minute.
A metallic salt is added to the brine to precipitate out the iodine salt. This precipitated salt is scalped out as a paste. The paste is roasted to remove inorganic impurities. Residual salt is washed off the material and resultant iodide salt is tumbled with nails (they use 20 tons of nails per year) and returned to the process line as ferrous iodide.
Potassium carbonate is added, and the resultant potassium iodide solution is passed through an evaporator to saturate the solution. Large salt crystals are formed in crystallizing tanks from which they are centrifuged and then pan-dried for 16 hours. Pure white potassium iodide is passed through a 16-mesh screen cloth under a vane crusher pulverizer.
From the 16 mesh screen under the crusher pulverizer the potassium iodide crystals are delivered directly to a stainless steel SWECO Vibrating Screen Separator (18” diameter). Sizing is made with 20 mesh stainless steel screen cloth and the plus-20 mesh salt is marketed to the chemical industry.
Plus-40 mesh material is delivered to pharmaceutical manufacturers, and minus-40 mesh material is sold to cattle feed mineral supplement producers.
The SWECO Screen has been in almost continuous operation for four and one-half (4-1/2) years with no screen cloth wear. Considering the highly corrosive nature of potassium iodide, this screen cloth life is regarded as phenomenal.
See SWECO at the 2016 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE), January 26-28