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Lohre Industrial Marketing Location

Hubspot’s 30-day Blogging Challenge – Two industrial marketing results we earned and learned

  1. It grew our traffic 30%
  2. Post relevant posts

Yes, we have grown from 1000 visitors a month to almost 1500 per month. We met our goal. We chose that because Hubspot’s average of industry traffic indicates that 1500 visitors per month should deliver one new customer. Perhaps we will need to continue for two months with no new customers and get two on the third month, but that metric is extremely important to know. More and better content on your website will deliver customers. And you must find out what that content amount will be. Top of the list? It must be thoughtful, relevant content that educates your visitors and encourages them to take action — namely to develop interest in your product and contact you. You can easily drive that increase in traffic with Google adwords, but if your content isn’t educational and nurturing, it won’t deliver the desired results.

We have quite a bit of work to do on our site to increase the unique Calls To Action > Landing Pages. Currently we have a Creative, Sales Lead Generation, and a Website Content eBook. We need to have a Visitor Increase Guide and an Email Guide. Both of those can bookend the Sales Lead Generation Guide. Our Creative Guide needs to be rewritten and then it can be an email to those that downloaded it. The same with the Sales Lead Generation and Web Site Content Guides.

Another part of our business is Green Building Consulting and we need Guides on building a Green Home or Office. We get a steady stream of persons wanting to participate in our Green Associate internships, so that’s working without an email campaign. Not so lucky with our Green Marketing services. We’d love a major building product company with continually changing product lines. That’s the bread and butter for marketing communications firms.

Our posts are now always relevant to either the jobs at hand in the office or in response to a peer’s blog. (At least then you know you can count on at least one reader!) Our most successful post centered on six of our fellow bloggers. We reached out and promoted them and their interests. Wildly successful. It seems like the internet is mostly marketers. Duh! At least when we get big and strong we’ll have some resources to call on. As active as we have become on the blogosphere, it’s not something you can teach effectively. Either you like to write or you don’t. Luckily we “see” a ton of stuff to write about.

We’ve added Wistia to the three videos on our site and the results are, in a word, pitiful. But it’s better to know one thing versus knowing that you know nothing. We’ll still keep the “Make Love Not Spam” Hubspot video on our home page for now. The other two are very complicated educational videos related to Green Building, and that’s both a blessing and a curse. We have to think about how to lighten it up. How to make some shorter more entertaining videos.

In the end, we have great clients that have entrusted us with their websites, media placements, public relations, photography and literature production. They look to us to establish and maintain a level of communication needed to be successful with the internet, which they recognize will make or break their companies. Once we show success, they’ll see. The publications we work with are incredibly savvy about internet marketing and manage databases with tens of thousands of professional engineers and industrial managers. Those managers depend on the publications e-newsletters to get their everyday news — that’s today’s internet reality. It’s not much different than what Hubspot teaches every marketer: create great content that attracts subscribers and push it out. We’re doing our best to “Build it.” You can bet were sticking until (as they say in the movies) “They will come.” Thanks to Frankly My Dear Mojo for the photo.

If you liked this post, you may also like our most popular post, “Review: “Designing B2B Brands” for industrial marketing communications.”

Robert Jeffries
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