Be intentional about including the following tactics in your new year marketing strategy As 2025…

Don’t Give Up Google Analytics Cold Turkey
Google Analytics is Sunsetting Their Old UA Tag
Changes are coming next year to Google Analytics platform that measures data from the UA tags placed on your websites. The newer GA4 tags are replacing the old outdated UA tags. This means you could lose all measurement and historical data you collect on site visitors if you don’t take steps to update the tags on your site or through Google Tag Manager (GTM) before July 1, 2023. Google is giving companies time to make the switch and back up historical data. However, making the switch on your timeline is better than rushing through updates and backups at the last minute.
One of the benefits of setting up the new GA4 tags is that you can customize your dashboard to collect data about almost any conversion you set on you site. If you are looking to measure the RFQs by source or medium, those custom metrics can be set up in the new GA4 Dashboard. Working with your website development team will allow you to measure the right metrics so you can track progress regularly.
Website design and website maintenance support over the holidays
Lohre & Associates can help bring your website up to date with the latest in design, security, and functionality.
If you are like many of our industrial clients, workers from your office and your plants plan to use the Holiday lull to take their vacation time. If that includes you, wouldn’t it be great to know your website is in good hands while you’re trying to relax?
We keep the websites in our care secure with regular updates and upgrades to software, with constant security and search presence monitoring, so that you can focus on bigger things. We also often rescue websites that were not properly programmed, maintained, or designed.
Try our seasonal maintenance packages for peace of mind over the coming holiday season.
Click here to contact us for more details, or just keep our number (513 961 1174) handy for web emergencies.
Read more about our holiday web maintenance offerings