An ace salesperson can sometimes sell you some good life lessons. We all have to…

2018 Construction and Mining Equipment Marketing Trends
Construction and mining equipment marketing is different than consumer marketing.
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter aren’t where your prospects are. We’ll review what is and isn’t working in industrial marketing trends.
A short history of Lohre & Associates:
- —1996 Second Wind, small agency coaching
- —9-11-2001 The end of growth
- —2002 Goal: More control over business growth
- —2002 EDOC Outsourcing call center
- —2004 Joined Society for Marketing Professional Services (Engineers, Architects, Builders)
- —2008 Recession, things got worse
- —2009 Green Building initiative
- —2013 Hubspot
- 2018 Society for Marketing Professional Services, Certified Professional Services Marketer designation
Green Marketing – A Market Back On The Charts
- —Building is back on the rise
- Submitted a proposal to Greenbuild 2018
- LEED is very hot in Cincinnati because of the tax abatement
- Have written many reports on LEED homes in Cincinnati, here are a few.
Hubspot is Good For Content Marketing
- —Up to date internet marketing strategies
- —Structured marketing framework
- —Adaptable to industrial products & services
- —Focused on “considered” sales process
- —Excellent training
- —Excellent coaches for clients & prospects
- —Formal growth plan
Does Blogging and Social Media Work?
- —Post three times a week
- —Share across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
- —Follow Cocktail Party Rule, 1 for you, 2 for guests
- —Keep it very educational & technical
- —Monitor and interact with Social Media
- —90% of internet content doesn’t get shared
- —Google pays a lot of attention to a small amount of sharing and commenting
You Must Find Your Path
- —Think of your marketing plan as a three legged stool. Your website needs to be the first thing you get into shape. If you aren’t getting regular new business from your site, something is wrong.
- Second leg is normally your people. Going to visit customers, going to trade shows, writing technical papers, making presentations -they are the back bone of your public face
- Third is your wild card. What strategic thing are you faced with? Shrinking market? Find new ones. Technology changes? Adapt. People problems? Train and measure them.
The biggest thing we have learned recently is that internet marketing isn’t the best for industrial marketing communication firms. We have gotten one recent account from our web site, but more recently we have also gotten clients from referrals and targeted direct mail. So the most important thing for any company is to know what works for them.