I started work as a graphic artist at my father’s (Thomas G. Lohre, Sr.) ad agency, Lohre & Associates, in 1977. We specialized in machine tools, mining and processing equipment. The agency grew in the 90s and survived the 2000s.
Our latest initiative has been in the sustainable building materials and services industries. Janet’s and my purchase of a Frank Lloyd Wright designed home in 2003 rekindled my interest in architecture. I have followed the U.S. Green Building Council’s education path to learn how to serve this industry. We founded Green Cincinnati Education Advocacy in 2009 and self documented our office LEED Platinum in 2011. As a Green Building consultancy, we certified GreenSource Cincinnati’s office LEED Platinum in 2013.
In 2012, Lohre & Assoc. became a Hubspot Partner to offer best practices in internet marketing. Currently we have created a new site, industrialwebdevelopment.com, which maintains a 100% grade on Google’s site analyzer. We practice what we preach.
In 2017 I passed the Certified Professional Services Marketer exam offered by the Society of Marketing Professional Services. It’s the best marketing education and resource for industrial engineering, products and services. Ask me about it.
“Creativity is something hard to measure, however, you usually know it when you see it. I rank Lohre & Associates very high on the creativity scale. Lohre & Associates has done an excellent job of coming up with new ways to reach our customers, whether internet, direct mail, magazine ads, product literature, or trade shows.”
Tom Klahorst, Vice President, Sales,
SKF Precision Technologies
I’m here to answer any questions you might have about our products and services. Feel free to contact me using any of the following methods:
Phone: (513) 260-9025
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/chucklohre/
Twitter: @chucklohre